This is the First technique in the whole program. It is simple and very effective. There are two ways to do the scalp massage. First way is to put your fingers on your head. Keep them straight and firm.
Do not bend your fingers during the massage, just keep the finers of each hand about and inch away from the fingers of the other hand. Push the fingers into the scalp towards each other so that the skin on the scalp could lift up. If your fingers touch doing this, just push orderly in a relax manner.
There will be times when you pysh down ito your scalp and your fingers slip into each other. It is natural.
Keep doing this first step until you get the technique right so that you puch into the scalp and not push into your other fingers. Just remember to keep your fingers as straight as possible.
Pushing should be firm, even the skin on the scalp hardly moves. Do not be too concern if you dont notice it at first. With regular activity and practice you will get it. The skin on the scalp lifting up is not the goal, it is just a helpful way to know you are pushing into your scalp the correct way.
This can also be done by you in minicircles. When you do it like this your fingers do not have to be one inch apart, they can be on the opposite sides of your head.
With this it may be harder to tell if the skin lifts up on the scalp. SO just concentrate on pushing into your head with these circles. Again just remember to keep your fingers straight and firm.
Also push in with the pads on your fingertips, not your fingernails. In eitherway, just do these for a couple of seconds in each spot. Move the fingers to another area and do again. Do this until you did each area on your head. Repeat this at least two more times over the whole head.
If you could do more it would be better. Remember to push into the scalp. Don't just do surface pushes and circles that are superficial. You need to be firm.
There is another technique that is similar to this called nail scratching. The reason about this is because that it is very similar and more superficial. Understanding the scalp massage is for you needed to be firm and to push properly into the scalp.
Pay more attention to the thinning, receding, and balding areas.
However, do teh whole head so you can get a food blood supply to those thinning, receding, and balding areas that area weaker. The blood supply has the hardest time getting to the top of the head and the temple areas.
The least damaged areas will be where you see the first sign of new hair growth first. However, the growth process of the first batch of new hairs should grow in pretty evenly. After that, those new hairs will grow in more unevenly.